Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shaving - doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck!

Does the idea of shaving every morning make your neck turn red with irritation? Do you finish your shave with nicks, cuts and bumps? Do you chafe your sweeties face when you give her a smooch?

A really great shave has 3 important components: your hardware, your software and lots of moisture.

Let’s start with your shaving hardware; choices are the girly disposable razors, cartridge razors and the classic double-edge razor. There’s also the straight razor, and we do live in the west but, nah!

Shaving aficionados love the superior double-edge razor blade for a much closer shave. Used in combination with a quality badger shaving brush and cream, you have all the necessary ingredients for a Wet Shave. However, if you decide to use a multi-blade cartridge razor please remember to change your cartridge frequently. A dull razor is definitely the culprit for razor burn. And don’t use your girlfriends or wife’s disposable razors for anything. Period.

Ideally, if you can, shave in the shower. Beard stubble will soften the longer you’re in that wet steamy environment.

Start with a really good shaving gel, cream or moisturizer. Stay away from alcohol based products which will not only make your face sting, but also dry your skin. Massage the cream or gel into your skin to soften stubble and help create a protective barrier that allows your razor to glide easily across your skin.

Shave downward with the grain or in the direction that your hair grows, using slow careful strokes. This usually means down your cheeks and face and up your neck. Going with the grain helps prevent razor rash. Rinse your blade often.

Many men suffer from shave bumps and ingrown hairs, which happen when particularly tough stubble is cut and grows back underneath the skin. Regular use of a face scrub with Jojoba beads helps remove dead skin cells while helping to free in ingrown hair.

And if you have really tough stubble you may have to shave twice; once in the direction of your growth, rinse, cream up again and then shave against the grain.

Once you’ve finished shaving, rinse and then pat your face with a clean towel. Finish with a moisturizer with UV protection all over your face and neck to keep your face moist and supple.

Store your blade to air dry. Leaving your blade in water will dull the blade and possibly breed bacteria.

So, go ahead have a great shave and give your sweetie a kiss!

My male clients LOVE to use Scosh Matte Hydrate Moisturizer as a shave cream;http://www.scoshskincare.com/s_moisturizers.php

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