It’s going to be 116+ this week so here’s a few tips for Summer Skin Survival!
The average skin is made up of 2 to 3 gallons of water. Your weight divided by 2 is the minimum number of oz. of water needed per day! Conversion chart; 8 oz./cup, 16 oz./pint, 32 oz./quart, 128 oz./gallon. Drink up!
Alleviate perspiration along hairline by using an Antiperspirant Gel. Apply to your fingers first and then apply to the face along hairline. Remember, with any new mask or treatment, test the product on a tiny area of skin first (try it behind the ear) to make sure it won't cause irritation.
Soak in diluted vinegar for minor sunburn pain. Pour 2-3 cups of white vinegar into a bathtub of tepid water and soak. It's very soothing. PLUS a bath is much more comfortable than a pounding shower stream on the skin. Rinse in cool water to delete vinegar smell. TIP - put a 50/50 water/vinegar solution in a spray bottle and keep in the refrigerator for a cooling mist of relief!
Aloe gel is available in a spray can now! Aloe is soothing, healing and keeps skin hydrated. TIP- keep gel or spray in frig for additional cooling comfort.
Flip-flop Dry Feet. Exfoliate first concentrating on the heels with Scosh Microderm Crème Scrub, or Scosh Cleanse mixed with a dime size of baking soda. Then apply olive oil, Vaseline or Aquaphor followed by white cotton socks or peds overnight for smooth, soft tootsies in the morning!
Don’t be too clean! OK, I know this sounds weird but, bar soap can be very drying. If you’re sunburned, stay away from highly fragrant bubble baths, soaps, colognes and perfumes - they may be too irritating to your already parched skin. And don't scrub too hard. Stick with mild gel formulas, like Scosh Cleanse.
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