Monday, November 30, 2009

New Year Skincare Resolution

As we inch ever closer to the New Year I wanted to take a moment to remind all of my clients about the importance of quality home-care as a follow up to any Scosh treatment. Proper home-care products are a critical part of both achieving and maintaining the maximum results from any treatment you receive. Simply put, you are protecting your investment. And keep in mind, what you do away from me affects what happens when you are with me.

I expect my clients to experiment with other skincare brands, but please remember – the person behind the department store counter was hired because they can sell, NOT because they know anything about your skin. I mean really, are you going to trust your skin to part-time Christmas help?

Scosh Skincare’s therapeutic levels of ingredients, antioxidants and vitamins have been formulated specifically for post-treatment use, with many options for different skin needs. In fact I was extolling the virtues of ingredients such as resveratrol, peptides, ceramides, and antioxidants 10 years ago, long before they became the 'hot topics' they are today. I stay current with new formulas and ingredients by delving into research, asking questions, attending trade shows, trying new products, and interviewing new labs constantly.

My goal in the treatment room has always been to provide the most cost effective and time efficient options. I positioned my business model years ago to give clients ‘more bang for their buck’ by tailoring each treatment to my client's specific skin care needs. I don’t give shoulder massages, I don’t turn on the steam and then walk out of the treatment room. What I do is fix your skin. Period. It's all about personalizing the process, because just like skincare, not every treatment is for everyone. That said, designing an appropriate skincare protocol to follow post-treatment is also critical.

I do believe that I have an outstanding array of extremely effective Scosh products available for post-treatment care. I'm always happy to do a skincare consultation anytime to help you find a great routine to maximize the results of your treatment. So, let’s get together and review your skincare protocol for a new, more healthy looking you.
Next month I’m going to address basic skin care protocols for different skin types. Until then – wash your face twice a day and sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen (YES, even in winter!)

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